black vinyl record held by someone

In recent years, there has been a notable resurgence in the popularity of analog entertainment forms like vinyl records, film photography, and board games. This trend reflects a growing desire for tangible, immersive experiences in a digital world. This article explores the reasons behind this revival and the unique joys these old-school entertainment forms offer.

The Vinyl Records Revival

Vinyl records, once thought to be remnants of a bygone era, have experienced a remarkable resurgence. The vinyl comeback is multifaceted. The desire for high-quality sound, the physicality of records, and the ritualistic experience of playing them contribute significantly to their popularity. Enthusiasts often cite the warmer, richer sound quality of records compared to digital formats. Moreover, the act of collecting, displaying, and handling vinyl records adds a tangible dimension to the music listening experience, which is absent in digital formats.

Film Photography’s Enduring Appeal

Film photography, too, has seen a revival. In an age of digital cameras and smartphones offering instant results, the slow, deliberate process of film photography has a unique appeal. There’s a ‘magic’ in waiting to see how shots turn out, contrasting the immediate feedback of digital cameras. Film’s unique aesthetic qualities – such as grain, color rendition, and dynamic range – are especially valued by enthusiasts and professionals.

Board Games: A Social Renaissance

Board games have also made a significant comeback. They offer a way to connect with others in a more personal, engaging way, contrasting our often screen-based social interactions. Modern board games come with diverse themes, complex strategies, and inclusive narratives, appealing to a broader audience.

a family playing monopoly

The Allure of Analog in a Digital World

The shift towards analog can be attributed to various factors. Nostalgia plays a significant role, evoking memories and feelings from past decades. These analog formats provide a more immersive, hands-on experience, which is often missing in digital formats. There’s also an appreciation for the artistry and craftsmanship in these analog forms.

Tangibility and Mindfulness

Analog entertainment demands a level of physical interaction and mindfulness that digital forms often overlook. Engaging with a vinyl record, for instance, requires a deliberate choice of album, careful handling of the record, and a conscious act of playing it. Similarly, film photography involves manual adjustments and a thoughtful composition process, while board games require physical presence and interaction. This tangibility and mindfulness offer a break from the passive consumption prevalent in digital entertainment.

The Educational Value of Analog Entertainment

Beyond entertainment, these analog forms offer educational benefits. Vinyl records can introduce listeners to the history of music and the evolution of recording technology. Film photography teaches the science behind photography and the discipline of composition and exposure. Board games, with their strategic and social elements, can enhance critical thinking, teamwork, and social skills.

Community and Culture

Analog entertainment often fosters a sense of community and culture. Vinyl collectors, film photographers, and board game enthusiasts often form communities, both online and in person, where knowledge, experiences, and techniques are shared. Record stores, photography clubs, and board game cafes become cultural hubs that facilitate these interactions.

Sustainability and Longevity

In an era increasingly conscious of sustainability, analog entertainment forms offer a sense of longevity and timelessness. Vinyl records and film photographs can last for decades when properly cared for, contrasting the transient nature of digital files. Board games, with their physical components, can be passed down through generations, offering a sustainable form of entertainment.


The resurgence of vinyl records, film photography, and board games is a testament to the enduring appeal of analog entertainment. These forms provide a tactile, engaging experience, fostering connection, appreciation for craftsmanship, and a welcome deviation from our digital routines. As technology continues to evolve, the charm of analog reminds us of the joy and value found in simpler, more tangible experiences. This cultural shift not only celebrates the past but also enriches our present and future entertainment landscape.

Hi, I’m Chris Matthews